Hoek Physio Manualtherapy has been located in Noordwijk since January 2020.

Maurer & Hoek Physio Manualtherapy has been located in Wassenaar since Februari 2024
With over 15 years of experience I provide you first class treatments that suits you!


Hoek PhysioManualtherapy has concluded healthcare contracts with all Dutch health
insurance companies for 2025.
Please inquire about your reimbursements! 
 Hoek PhysioManualTherapy is located in Noordwijk
Losplaatsweg 28-C, 2201 CV Noordwijk
Tel. 06 82938190
Or via the contact form

Maurer & Hoek is located in Wassenaar

Gravestraat 1 2242 HX Wassenaar

Renée Maurer: 0641390402 
Petra Hoek: 0640286739

Or via the contact form


Are you unsure whether physiotherapy is necessary?
Ask for my free Fysio Advice!


Acute complaints? 
Please do not hesitate to contact us.

Would you rather not come by? Treatment is also possible via online contact! 
Covered by your Dutch health insurance.
we can help you with:
 Advice regarding the workplace
 Exercises for relaxation or variety
 Explanation of massage techniques, for example that a roommate can help you.
 Explanation how to apply medical tape if you have it at home.
 Self-applied techniques for loosening joints.

 Common complaints that the manual therapist treats:
o Head, neck and shoulder complaints with pain radiating into the arms
o Complaints high in the back with rib and chest pain
o Low back pain, possibly with pain radiating to the legs
o Certain dizziness induced by movement of the neck
o Jaw complaints, possibly combined with neck complaints, such as snapping /
cracking jaw joint and jaw clenching and/or teeth grinding
o Ringing in the ears
o Headache complaints
o Complaints to the back, hips, knees, feet and hands
Joints can also have too much mobility. This can lead to instability and
complaints. With specific training advice, the manual therapist can teach the patient,
with specific training advice, by making the joints and muscles more stable.


What does a physiotherapist do?
 The physiotherapist is the expert in body posture and body movement. It helps you
prevent, remedy or reduce your physical complaints and ensures that you can move
optimally again. The care of a physiotherapist suits your personal situation and is
aimed at the goal you want to achieve. Sometimes you only get advice, sometimes
you also receive treatment.


The first appointment:
At the first appointment the physiotherapist wants to know exactly what your physical
complaints are.This way he/she can determine whether you would benefit from
physiotherapy or whether you should see your general practioner (GP) first. Such an
extensive consultation is not necessary if you have been referred to a physiotherapist
by your general practitioner or medical specialist.

If it is clear that physiotherapy can help you, you and your physiotherapist look for the
possible causes of your complaints. He/she also wants to know what your personal
goals are. What do you hope to achieve with the treatment? What do you want to be
able to do (again)?
The physiotherapist also examines the part of the body that is bothering you and
looks at how your complaint or condition affects your posture and the way you move
your body.

Once the physiotherapist has made a diagnosis, he/she will discuss the treatment
plan with you. Physiotherapy treatment suits your personal situation and is aimed at
the goal you want to achieve.
(source: defysiotherapeut.com)